I have a number of things to pass along to you today:

First, we’ve updated the look of our YouTube Channel and will be putting up lots more videos there in the future – http://www.youtube.com/dreamsawakemovie.

Second, in case you didn’t catch my radio interview with Judith Conrad you can hear it here – http://www.judithconradradio.com/judith-conrad-radio/wednesday-june-1-2011/ – it’s an hour long show and I come on for the second half-hour.  Check it out if you can spare the time.  I had fun doing it, and I think Judith did too.

Third, Tammie O’Rielly, who hosted a screening of “Dreams Awake” in Canada recently, reported back that the reception of the film was mixed.  I guess one person really didn’t like it, and three of them really liked it, and most of the others in an audience of about 30 were somewhere in between.  A mixed reception is probably about right, as that is what we have also experienced for the most part.

Fourth, we are one of the supporters of the Akasha Metaphysical Film Festival in Carmel, CA, which takes place June 24-26 – https://dreamsawakemovie.com/amffn/.  Check it out if you can.  We’re still trying to decide if one of us is going.

Fifth, we have been putting together some short behind-the scenes videos for you to enjoy.  Here are a few: